With these winter months it seems impossible to get out the door and feel motivated while battling the roads, heating up the car and dealing with layers of clothing. Our energy is lacking and staying in seems convenient!
Here are some tips to help you get out the door:
- Remind yourself of the feeling once you leave class. Typically you feel energized after an hour of moving and socializing with your friends!
- The studio is bright and always warm!
- Splurging on a new pole outfit can make you feel great about being in class.
- Wear your favourite lip stick, do your hair or wear your favourite perfume. A little confidence goes a long way.
- Perhaps you need an energy boost? Coffee or pre-workout may do the trick for you!
- Remind yourself of your goals… why did you sign-up for classes in the first place? To get stronger? beat social anxiety? to do something for yourself?
- Pack your bag ahead of time… you are less likely to stay at home that way.
- Play an energized or new playlist while driving to class.
- Find, read or say a motivational quote.
- A good warm-up is key. Putting in the energy right away will set your mindset. Believe it or not… acting tired and lazy takes more energy! Convince your mind and your body will follow.
Finally I should mention, sometimes we do need to listen to our bodies… coming down with the flu or a cold is never fun! We do need to take care of our health, family and other responsibilities but always know that the studio is a warm and welcoming place for you to enjoy!
Keep calm and pole on my friends!
Lorissa 🙂